love’s pure gold: book 2
Morgan's Medicine is an author mystery. Sometimes I can feel the plot direction and then outline with confidence. This was more like I opened a new Word doc and just typed as the chapters and scenes evolved. I'm sure my brain stilled swirled with the gold rush research. 300,000 men, women, and children who came to the California Gold Rush, the largest amount of immigrants— desperate, overwhelmed with the conditions and hardships. So Morgan's Medicine got a bit of a darker PG-13 from me. Emery was sweet and innocent, but the immoral condition of those times caught her in the trap. Morgan's character, a doctor also had to reveal his own PTSD as 25,000 died from sickness and injury in the Mexican American War.
So my Pinterest board shows no smiling-sorry…
But with every trial and every hardship comes a greater opportunity for redemption!
Can I get a Halleluiah!
I had the lovely Tatum Piper lined up for Olivia on Ian's Empire cover and happened to ask her if she had any friends that match the photo above-for Emery. She did. Her sister! So the lovely Halle is Emery. Again, there were so many good photos- but the cover one had the rope. Sad and clutching the rope! Yes! What a match! What a smile!